Saturday, October 11, 2008

Adrienne's Doctor's Appointment

Tummy Time!

Adrienne went to the doctor yesterday to get her shots. It was horrible watching them put those needles in her poor little legs. :( On the plus side, they will keep her healthy. She is now 21 and 7/8 inches long and weighs 10lbs. 13.6 oz. She is getting so big! I had taken off of work so I could be with her in case getting the shots made her fussy. Instead of being fussy, all she did was sleep all day. She only woke up to eat and then she would go right back to sleep. A couple of the vaccines had drowsiness as a possible side effect so it wasn't anything to worry about. She was back to normal today. She spends more and more time awake now. She was awake for two hours straight today before getting fussy and taking a nap. It is so much fun just watching her. I hate to even walk away to go to the bathroom. How ridiculous is that! :)

This is her favorite thing to do, other than eat and sleep that is!

Isn't she just a pretty little princess?

Go Penn State!

1 comment:

The Chick Family said...

that is wonderful that she is staying up more : ) how long does she sleep when she takes naps? how often and how long do you do tummy time? she is so cute!